
Final Project - Mission Statement & Presentations

The mission statement for my own business (as created by Meet Patel) will go as follows: It will be a weapons specialty shop where the customer can buy the store's pre-made weapons or have them custom made. They can range from swords, sabers, knives to even guns like handguns, shotguns and machine guns. This store is made exclusively for people ages 18 to 21+ or older who has a knack for using weapons. My hope for this business is that it can become an international franchise for weapon lovers and collectors all over the world.

Designer tweaks famous logos to use less ink - response

In the 2017 CNN article, it talks deeply about how to save millions of dollars while preserving the environment.  Graphic designer Sylvain Boyer had started a project to redesign different logos to use way less ink. From Coke to Nike, he saves from 10 to 39 percent of reduced ink to make an economic impact. This was an interesting article to read up on. It talks a lot about the similarities between this and energy consumption cuts. Although this is good in theory, what also matters is with the overall branding of the products being toyed around with. Redesigning is good, but it could take for a lot of trial and error to get the perfect new symbol for a company

Chy - Adobe Illustrator Project


What convicts can teach us about branding - response

There was an article by David Airey which talks about the importance of branding. With this story, a man named Neil Stansfield got sentenced to over 2 years in jail for buying own-branded supermarket food and repackaging it as organic foods. Upon reading this story, I thought this whole debacle was kinda sad. This gives a very deep lesson in people of the food business. If you want to make it out there, you should consider packaging your own food as it is and not go out of your way to false advertise your products. It will lead you into a world of trouble if you don't do things in an original style.

Convict Buster Movie Poster


Convict Buster - Movie Poster Plot

An group of escaped convicts have taken form as a secret gang and took over different parts of in NYC. 21 year old rookie cop, John Davidson (Played by Chyan Mitchell) is ready to take on his first mission in busting the criminal gang before the city is lost to an onslaught of terrorist activity. During his journey, he finds various inside jobs and clues to find and take down every last escaped convict. Lives are at stake, risks have never been raised higher, and John is here to fight for the fate of the city.

Rogue Detective - Movie Trailer Practice
