
Showing posts from September, 2018

Handleless Levitating Umbrella - Functional (Revisited)


Spiked Tightening Hat - Nonfunctional


Nike's Chief of Design Doodles All Day - Response

The New York Times' article had talked about how Nike's Chief of Design, John Hoke had become who he is today. From the older days where he ran as an athlete, he would cut his shoes in half just to see how it was all made. With the ideas that would flow, Hoke would sketch out his ideas on what should be included in Nike shoes and he then sends them off to the Nike company. He soon got a job opportunity for the company and leads over thousands of creative designers for the company. I thought it was an interesting read to say the least. In my opinion, being technical savvy with the shoes you wear for a company you love is very fascinating to say the least.

Flamingo Abduction


Rethinking the way we sit down - Response

In the TEDtalk video, "Rethinking the way we sit down", Niels Diffrient talks in depth about how he chose the life of a graphic designer rather than becoming a jet pilot. He had talked about how he started off loving planes and began to draw some whenever he saw it in his free time as a kid. He then talks about how he went on to work with designing furniture such as chairs. Diffrient goes in depth with how he could redesign a chair that seems more capable of being adjustable for a person in any size from its arm cushions to even how it reclines. I thought it was an interesting conference to go through. It can go to show you how one can improve and refine the things they have worked on for a long time.

How to Ruin a Great Design - Response

In the New York Times's article, "How to Ruin a Great Design" it talks about how there are some known things that have bad design. From london having some bad traffic design to UPS replaing their company's "present logo" from 1961 by Paul Rand. The author claims that signs such as "Diverted cyclist" is a good example of a "crime against design." Upon reflection of this article, it makes sense to have good designs for the world around you. If it's pleasing to one's subjective lens but it works well within its construct, then it will be a good integral addition to everyday life.

Day 1 Part 2: Sunset Image


Day 1
